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International Figure

By: Hamdan Hamedan

In 2011, I took a National Defense class taught by Russell D. Howard, a retired general from the United States Special Forces with academic experience from West Point and Harvard.

On the first day of class, the General took attendance and asked about the students’ origins.

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When I mentioned that I was from Indonesia, the General spontaneously asked, “Do you know Mr. Prabowo Subianto?”

I was quite surprised. Usually, when Indonesia is mentioned, the typical responses are ‘Soekarno,’ ‘Bali,’ or ‘Jakarta,’ not ‘Prabowo.’

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“I know Mr. Prabowo (because he is a national figure), but I don’t personally know him,” I replied honestly. “But I’m curious why the general suddenly asked about Mr. Prabowo?”

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“I am acquainted with Mr. Prabowo,” said the General. “He is one of the BEST and most intelligent military figures I know.”



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