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Enabling Priority Targets: Positioning SOEs at the Forefront of Economic Growth

By Prabowo Subianto, excerpted from “National Transformation Strategy: Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045,” pages 210, fourth softcover edition.

I firmly believe that for strategic initiatives, the government should position State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) at the forefront, acting as the primary agents for implementation. This strategy has been effectively employed by numerous countries. Singapore and China, with its 150,000 SOEs, stand as testament to success. Indonesia must follow suit.

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Hence, it is essential for our SOEs to attract and hire skilled managers, engineers, and board members.

It’s inconceivable that there aren’t talented individuals in Indonesia. Do we not believe in our own nation? What usually happens is that there are many people who simply haven’t been given the opportunity.

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Reflecting on my time in the military, there exists a universally acknowledged maxim: “There are no bad soldiers, only bad commanders.”

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The real issue often lies with poor leadership. With effective guidance, I’m confident that our young people and professionals can succeed. This is something I firmly believe in and have seen proven time and again.



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Sumber: Buku Prabowo: Rekam Foto Sang Patriot hal. 174-197 Siapa Prabowo Subianto? Prabowo adalah seorang penyayang binatang. Prabowo adalah seorang

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