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Talented Youth

By: Hamdan Hamedan

A wise tribal chief passed away, leaving behind a young man deemed too “young and inexperienced” to lead the tribe.

The tribe members competed to become the new chief but reached an impasse. They eventually turned to a judge to decide their leadership dispute. The judge wanted to test their intelligence and gave them a cup of coffee, stating:

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“Empty this cup of coffee without spilling it.”

All the chief candidates were perplexed and did not know how to proceed. The judge then called for the young man, the deceased chief’s son, and tasked him with the same challenge:

“Empty this cup of coffee, but do not spill it.”

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Demonstrating his cleverness, the young man took a straw, inserted it into the cup, and sucked the coffee until the cup was empty. He then said to the judge:

“Your cup is empty, and the coffee is in my head.”

Realizing the young man’s intelligence, the judge declared:

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“Fellow tribespeople, here is your new chief.”

Sometimes being raised in a household of wisdom can shape one’s intelligence. Leadership is not always about age; a young and capable person can also lead. Sometimes, what’s needed is a chance to shine. Therefore, we should give them the opportunity to do so.

Source: Instagram Hamdan.Hamedan


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