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Prof Mahfud: Program Makan Siang Prabowo Gibran Pakai Barang Impor

“Makan siang gratis susu dan sebagainya itu kan impor, kira-kira barang-barang impor.” kata Mahfud MD saat jumpa pers di Djakarta Theatre, Jakarta, Sabtu (30/12).

Menjawab Yth. Prof. Mahfud:

Benar Prof. Kita sekarang masih impor susu. Seperti halnya India dulu juga adalah importir susu. Tapi kondisi itu berubah saat kebijakan makan siang gratis di sekolah dikukuhkan keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi India tahun 2001. MK India dalam keputusan No. 196/2001 menyatakan: "Every child in every place and Government assisted Primary Schools with a prepared midday meal with a minimum content of 300 calories and 8–12 grams of protein each day of school for a minimum of 200 days".

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Keputusan yang tidak bisa dicabut oleh siapapun PM India ini memberikan insentif kuat untuk pengusaha lokal dan UMKM India untuk investasi di produksi pangan dan susu lokal. Hasilnya: Per tahun 2023 ini, India berhasil jadi produsen susu terbesar di dunia. India pun ekspor susu.,million%20tonnes%20in%202021%2D22.

India Largest Producer of Milk in the World

The dairy sector assumes a great deal of significance for India on various accounts. As an industry, it employs more than 80 million people, with the majority being small and marginal farmers as well as the landless. Further, women constitute the major workforce of the dairy sector in the country. The sector is an important job provider, especially for women, and plays a leading role in women's empowerment.

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India has witnessed remarkable growth in the production and consumption of milk and dairy products in the last nine years. Today, India is the largest producer of milk in the world, contributing 24% of global milk production. The milk production of India has registered over 61 per cent increase from 137.7 million tonnes in 2013-14 to 221.1 million tonnes in 2021-22. Moreover, the per-capita availability of milk has increased from 303 gram/day in 2013-14 to 444 gram/day in 2021-22, nearly 1.5 times increase.

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The dairy sector has been a major contributor to the growth of the rural economy in India. The government has facilitated the dairy farming infrastructure through its various initiatives such as the implementation of the Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund to upgrade the dairy infrastructure, the distribution of Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) for providing adequate and timely credit support to the farmers and launching Rashtriya Gokul Mission to boost productivity and milk output, and thereby making dairying more profitable for farmers.


* Untuk Yth Prof. Mahfud, mohon dilihat pembuatan kebijakan tidak hanya kondisi saat ini tapi juga kondisi kedepannya.


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