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Prabowo Subianto Discusses the Importance of Loyalty: Only the Strong Reach the Summit

President-Elect Prabowo Subianto spoke about the importance of loyalty

Jakarta – President-Elect Prabowo Subianto spoke about the importance of loyalty during the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) of the Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) in Jakarta, on the evening of Thursday, May 9.

Initially, Prabowo noted that despite the day being a holiday, he was present at the PAN Rakornas.

‘Mr. Hatta (Rajasa) thanked me for being here today, even though it is a holiday. And I responded, for a politician, there are no holidays,’ Prabowo stated firmly.

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‘It would be really difficult for me not to attend, the term is that loyalty must be repaid with loyalty,’ he continued.

He likened loyalty to oxygen when climbing a mountain.

‘Loyalty is like oxygen; as you climb higher, the air gets thinner, and only the strong will reach the summit. Once at the top, one truly understands the importance of oxygen,’ he said.

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Prabowo expressed how crucial loyalty is, although in the history of the Indonesian nation, leaders and national heroes have often lacked support due to loyalty.

Nevertheless, he would not dwell on this issue. He felt grateful that PAN has loyally supported him for 15 years without any ulterior motives.

‘I am very grateful for the loyalty (of PAN), 15 years without any self-interest in every partnership, never asking for anything,’ he stated.

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He even mentioned one similarity between the party he leads, Gerindra, and PAN, which is that neither has ever asked for any dowry or favor in return for their steadfast loyalty.

‘There is one similarity perhaps between Gerindra and PAN. Perhaps we hold unique values, never asking for dowry from anyone,’ he concluded.”


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