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Prabowo Subianto Affirms 4 Points of Indonesia’s Efforts to Help the People of Gaza, Medical to Education 

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto said that Indonesia is ready to provide several aspects of aid for the Palestinians

Jakarta – Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto said that Indonesia is ready to provide several aspects of aid for the Palestinians who are facing a humanitarian disaster in Gaza. 

First, Indonesia committed to increase contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). 

“We will significantly increase our contributions to UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) and other humanitarian assistance,” Prabowo said at the summit “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” or “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” in Jordan, Tuesday (11/6). 

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Second, Indonesia will send more medical teams and field hospitals to Gaza, and is also ready to send hospital ships and participate in airdrops to Gaza if needed. 

“We are also ready to once again deploy hospital ships and also deploy air assets for the delivery of aid to Gaza through the airdrop method,” he continued. 

Third, Indonesia is willing to evacuate 1,000 patients to be treated in Indonesian hospitals and will return to Gaza after recovering and the situation in Gaza returns to normal. 

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Fourth, Indonesia is ready to provide post-traumatic care and education for Gazan children and will return when the situation stabilizes. 

“We are also willing to evacuate children and orphans to be given post-traumatic care and schooling. And to return to Gaza when the situation normalizes,” he said. 

While Indonesia is willing to support and contribute to all these efforts, Prabowo emphasized that the solution to the conflict is a two-state solution. 

“Only with a two-state solution, Palestine and Israel can live side by side safely and peacefully, this problem can be solved,” Prabowo said. 

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During the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on Saturday (1/6), Prabowo also stated that Indonesia is ready to send peacekeepers to Gaza as part of Indonesia’s efforts to maintain peace and support an immediate ceasefire. 

In addition, Prabowo mentioned that Indonesia is ready to send medical personnel to cover the needs of field hospitals in Gaza upon the agreement of all parties and will evacuate, receive, and treat around 1,000 patients from Gaza.


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