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By: Prabowo Subianto [taken from the Book: Military Leadership Notes from Experience Chapter I]

The ‘45 generation raised me. The ’45 generation is very confident and proud. The confidence of the ‘45 generation stems from their success in defeating the Dutch occupation. They are also proud of their heritage. I was told once that on the soil of Indonesia stood glorious kingdoms and that the greatest of them all was the Kingdom of Majapahit.

Gadjah Mada is a central figure in the history of Majapahit. He was an elite soldier with the noble aspiration to unite the island chain from Aceh to Papua as ‘Nusantara’.

As a child, I often heard tales from my grandfather and my father. They were tales about Gadjah Mada, Diponegoro, Sultan Hasanuddin, Teuku Umar. It was always tales about our heroes. And in the eyes of the ’45 generation, Indonesia is always better than any other nation.

When I was studying in the United Kingdom, I was taught the history of their heroes, such as the Duke of Wellington and Lord Nelson. When we discussed war, we would discuss Montgomery. Then I returned home and talked about Montgomery. My father said, ‘But, Supreme Commander Sudirman is better.’ He always said something along the lines of ‘Diponegoro is better’ or ‘Who is Wellington? Learn about Diponegoro!’

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The ’45 Generation is very confident, have a strong sense of pride, and they are sensitive. Perhaps because they once were humiliated as a nation, oppressed and mocked as inlander, ‘You’re an inlander. Do you want freedom? You can’t even make a pin, let alone be free’. ‘Inlander’ means natives, but in a derogatory sense. They were insulted, so they fought back.

The self-esteem of the ‘45 generation, among other things, stems from their recollection of the glorious history of Nusantara. There were times when Indonesia was ruled by glorious kingdoms, one of them being the Kingdom of Majapahit. We cannot omit Gadjah Mada if we talk about Majapahit.

Gadjah Mada was an elite soldier, the bodyguard of King Jayanegara and the royal family. It was during this dynasty that Gadjah Mada showed his many potentials and capabilities.

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Faced with a rebellion led by Ra Kuti, Gadjah Mada managed to save King Jayanegara. However, he failed to guard the king when Tanca assassinated him.

Then, during Queen Tribhuwana Tunggadewi’s reign, Gadjah Mada held the highest position in the royal court as Patih Amangku Bhumi (equivalent to Prime Minister) in the year 1258 Saka (1336 CE). He was in charge of the Kingdom’s administration. He then announced a highly ambitious campaign to unite the vast archipelago.

This included the subjugation of nations surrounding Majapahit, especially those across the ocean, namely Gurun (Lombok), Seran (Seram), and Tanjung Pura (Kalimantan). It also mentioned Haru (North Sumatra), Pahang (Malaya), Dompo, Bali, Sunda, Palembang (Sriwijaya), and Tumasik (Singapore).

He even vowed not to taste any spices until he had conquered all of the Southeast Asian archipelagoes. This vow was then known as ‘Sumpah Amukti Palapa’ or Palapa Oath that brought the dawn of the Majapahit Kingdom’s glorious rule.

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Gadjah Mada’s career peaked after Tribhuana Tunggadewi abdicated in 1351 CE and was succeeded by Hayam Wuruk. Thanks to Hayam Wuruk and Gadjah Mada, Majapahit entered its golden age.

What do we learn from Gadjah Mada? First, we learn of his strong commitment to unite all the various tribes and islands of this archipelago. The feeling that there should be one great nation occupying this archipelago. Second, his commitment to good administration and a strong government backed up by superior military force. I think from Gadjah Mada and the other examples of the great kings and princes of our Nusantara, we already learn what Thucydides taught thousands of years ago: the strong will do what they can, and the weak will suffer what they must.

Over and over again in history, we find the phenomenon. Always strive to make Indonesia strong. If not, we will forever be trampled upon and humiliated.


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