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After Talks with Prabowo Subianto, Malaysia Ready to Send Peacekeepers to Gaza

Following a discussion with Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto, Malaysia has expressed its willingness to deploy peacekeeping forces to Gaza

Jakarta – Following a discussion with Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto, Malaysia has expressed its willingness to deploy peacekeeping forces to Gaza, Palestine, in cooperation with Indonesian troops. The announcement was made by Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, as reported by Antara on Monday (July 1, 2024).

“Addressing the humanitarian situation in Palestine, I wish to inform about Malaysia’s readiness to collaborate, including in the deployment of peacekeeping forces alongside Indonesia, if mandated by the UN,” Anwar stated on his social media account accessed in Kuala Lumpur.

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Anwar mentioned that he had a brief three-minute conversation with Prabowo, during which he expressed gratitude for the successful recent surgery undergone by the Indonesian President-elect.

He also conveyed his prayers for Prabowo’s swift and complete recovery so that he may resume his duties soon, receiving good and intensive care throughout his recovery period.

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Additionally, Anwar discussed various current issues, notably Prabowo’s recent role in representing Indonesia on the international stage and his efforts to promote regional and universal peace and collaboration.

“I welcome the idea of a joint Malaysia-Indonesia international peacekeeping mission, and such cooperation could be extended to the ASEAN level,” Anwar added.

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At the end of their discussion, he expressed hopes that the upcoming Indonesian elections, concluding with the Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) on November 27, 2024, would proceed smoothly and easily.

Moreover, Anwar hoped that all preparations for Prabowo’s inauguration as President of Indonesia on October 20, 2024, would be successful and without issue.

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