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Prabowo Subianto Meets MBS in Saudi Arabia, Discusses Palestine, Defense, and Trade

Prabowo Subianto, met with the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad bin Salman

Jeddah – Indonesian Minister of Defense and President-elect for 2024-2029, Prabowo Subianto, met with the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad bin Salman (MBS) bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on Wednesday (June 12).

At the beginning of their meeting, Prabowo conveyed warm regards from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to MBS and King Salman. Prabowo also expressed gratitude for their congratulations on his election as President.

Prabowo and MBS reviewed the bilateral relations between the two countries, the aspects of cooperation in various fields, and ways to support and develop them.

They also discussed the current global situation, including the situation in Palestine.

“Saudi Arabia is a major partner for Indonesia in dialogue and resolving regional and global issues,” said Prabowo.

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“I have witnessed Your Highness’s firmness in asserting Saudi Arabia’s leadership in the region and beyond, including promoting peace and stability for our brothers and sisters in Palestine. The issue of Palestine is very close to our hearts,” he added.

Prabowo also mentioned that during the ‘Call for Action’ summit for Gaza in Amman, Jordan a few days earlier, he emphasized Indonesia’s solid support for Palestine and the need for united and concrete action to promote an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

Indonesia also encourages Israel’s compliance with International Court orders, full membership for Palestine in the United Nations (UN), and supports humanitarian work on the ground, including UNRWA as the main service provider for Palestinian refugees.

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“I rely on your leadership in defending peace, justice, and humanity for Palestine,” said Prabowo.

Prabowo appreciated the strong trade relations between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. Despite the existing global uncertainties, bilateral trade between the two countries maintains a positive trend.

Prabowo encouraged both countries to continue working together to enhance trade by exploring new opportunities, including expanding the potential trade in defense industry products, agricultural technology, halal industry, and creative industry.

Additionally, the management of Hajj and Umrah was discussed, where Prabowo expressed gratitude for the increase of 20,000 Hajj quotas this year and the implementation of the Makkah Route initiative that allows Indonesian pilgrims to have a smooth and comfortable Hajj journey.

“I want to express my sincere appreciation to Your Highness for ensuring the safety of Indonesian pilgrims until the completion of their Hajj journey here in Saudi Arabia,” said Prabowo.

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On this occasion, MBS appreciated the close relationship between the two countries, where Indonesia is considered a second home by Saudi Arabia. He also emphasized the need for increased economic cooperation and investment with Indonesia.

MBS also highlighted the same issue concerning the situation in Palestine, where the ceasefire still has unresolved conditions.

The meeting was attended by several high-ranking Saudi officials, including Prince Khalid bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Minister of Defense, Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Dr. Musaed bin Mohammed Al-Oeban, Minister of State, Minister of the Council of Ministers, and National Security Advisor.


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