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Teachers’ Reactions After Prabowo Subianto Announced Salary Increases: Extraordinary, Emotional, and Proud

Jakarta — Teachers praised the policy of President Prabowo Subianto to increase the salaries of teachers, both Civil Servants (ASN) and honorary non-ASN educators, during the National Teachers’ Day peak event at Velodrome, Jakarta, on Thursday (28/11).

Prabowo announced that ASN teachers’ salaries would increase by an amount equivalent to one month’s basic salary. Meanwhile, professional allowances for non-ASN teachers who have completed certification will be raised to IDR 2 million.

Witentireli, one of the teachers present at the event, expressed her emotions and pride about the policy.

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“Extraordinary, emotional, and proud—words can’t express it. Mr. President is building the nation starting from schools. This means that the responsibility for making Indonesia intelligent lies on the shoulders of teachers,” she said after the event.

“I feel a moral responsibility with the President’s promise to improve teachers’ welfare. When Mr. Prabowo said he would double the salary, it brings an immense challenge on how we prepare the seeds for the nation’s future,” she added.

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She pledged that teachers would work to realize a strong and great Indonesia.

“We will present a great Indonesia through strong teachers. With Mr. President’s statement today, we will build a strong and great Indonesia from its teachers,” she stated.

She also expressed hope that teachers need not only financial welfare but also peace and comfort in their work to deliver quality education.

“My hope is to return teachers’ teaching hours to 18 hours per week as mandated,” she wished.

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Another teacher, Ema Siloni from Sorong, West Papua, shared her impressions of hearing Prabowo’s policy firsthand. She admired Prabowo’s stance in supporting the welfare of educators.

“Truly extraordinary, an amazing atmosphere that I never imagined—absolutely stunning,” she said.

“Unfortunately, we were seated in the middle, so we couldn’t shake hands with him. But it’s extraordinary for us that he could appreciate teachers,” she added. (RR)



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Cuplikan layar 2024-07-17 233941

By: Prabowo Subianto [taken from the Book: Military Leadership Notes from Experience Chapter I: Exemplary Leaders of The Indonesian Armed