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Sidoarjo Children Share Sweet Memories of Shaking Hands with Prabowo: A Rare Moment!

Sidoarjo, Indonesia — Excitement filled the air as students from Banjar Bendo Elementary School in Sidoarjo had the rare opportunity to meet and shake hands with Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto.

The heartwarming encounter took place right beside the presidential vehicle, the Maung Garuda, after Prabowo inaugurated 17 football stadiums in a ceremony held at Delta Sidoarjo Stadium, East Java, on Monday (March 17).

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“We’re so happy! We got to shake hands multiple times!” the children exclaimed in unison.

Seeing Prabowo in person for the first time left a lasting impression on them.

“Adorable! It’s my first time seeing him—once in a lifetime!” said a young boy named Wawan, his eyes shining with excitement.

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“A rare moment!” echoed another boy, Teddy, joining in enthusiastically.

The children also shared a brief conversation with Prabowo about the Free Nutritious Meal Program.

“Don’t forget the Free Meals for Banjar Bendo Elementary, Mr. Bowo!” Wawan eagerly reminded the president.

As the unforgettable encounter came to an end, the children expressed their heartfelt wishes for Prabowo’s health and for Indonesian football to reach new heights—one day making it to the World Cup.

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“May you always be healthy, and may Indonesia make it to the World Cup, amen,” they prayed in unison. (RR)


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