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Prabowo Subianto’s Talk with Al Jazeera, Discussing Books to Family

Prabowo Subianto, had a casual conversation with the foreign media Al Jazeera

Jakarta – The President-elect for the period 2024-2029, Prabowo Subianto, had a casual conversation with the foreign media Al Jazeera at his private residence in Hambalang, Bogor, West Java. The relaxed interview session took place in the library of his home.

In the interview, which was broadcast on Instagram @talktoaljazeera, Prabowo shared how much he loves his library and revealed some of his favorite book authors.

“This is my favorite place (in the house). Sometimes I just sit here, lie down on the sofa,” Prabowo told Al Jazeera.

For him, through his passion for reading books, he can travel and learn about the world through knowledge. Additionally, Prabowo talked about his habit of reading books since childhood.

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“My interest is in reading, especially at a young age when I was still a student. Our family was quite ordinary, simple,” Prabowo recounted.

“My father was a university professor, and for us (the family), especially me, books were a means of recreation, entertainment, and learning,” he continued.

Prabowo also revealed some of his favorite authors, such as Alexander Dumas, Sir Walter Scott, and Paulo Coelho. He mentioned that books by Coelho have been one of the most important inspirations in his life.

“Right now, I think one of the most important books that influenced my life is ‘The Warrior of The Light’ by Paulo Coelho,” said Prabowo.

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He feels that the Brazilian author’s work is very relatable to him. Prabowo also recommended that young people try reading Coelho’s book.

“I recommend it to you, especially young people who want to succeed in life, to read that book (by Coelho),” Prabowo said.

During the interview, Prabowo also shared stories about his family who played a role in Indonesia’s independence and served the people, which then became his motivation to continue his family’s legacy of service to Indonesia.

“I grew up with parents and grandparents full of love. I think the things that influenced me are from my family, especially from my ancestors who also fought for Indonesia’s independence,” explained Prabowo.

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He shared that he had two uncles who also joined the military, namely Subianto Djojohadikusumo, a soldier with the rank of captain.

Together with his brother, Taruna Sujono Djojohadikusumo, Subianto participated in the Battle of Lengkong, South Tangerang Mayor Elias Daan Mogot. It was in this battle that the two brothers, sons of Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, Prabowo’s father, were killed.

“My grandmother always told stories about them. Even my name ‘Subianto’ comes from my first uncle who was killed. I think I grew up with that. And I am determined to continue the tradition of fighting from my family to serve the people and the country,” he said.


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