Bogor – Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto was welcomed by the Mars TNI by TNI middle and high-ranking officers while briefing 1004 TNI Unit Commanders at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Friday (7/2).
Prabowo arrived at the venue at 16:07 WIB along with Defence Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto. He was greeted by the echo of the TNI Mars song which was sung in unison.
‘Indonesian National Army
Ready to defend the country and the nation
Building unity and integrity. On land, at sea, in the air,’ sang in unison a total of 1,004 middle and high-ranking officers in attendance.
Prabowo then greeted and shook hands with the TNI Commander and the ranks of middle and high-ranking officers.
Then, the event began with the singing of the national anthem Indonesia Raya.
On the same occasion, the TNI Commander expressed his pride that the commanders and ranks could receive directives from the President at the Bogor Palace.
‘Mr President, whom we both respect. We, the commanders of the Units of the Indonesian National Army, would like to express our deepest appreciation and pride for the opportunity given by the President for us to be present at the Bogor Palace and receive directives and instructions directly from you,’ Agus said.
Also attending the event were BIN Chief Herindra, Minister of State Secretary Prasetyo Hadi, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sugiono, Army Chief of Staff General Maruli Simanjuntak, Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Muhammad Ali, and Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Tonny Harjono. (RR)