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Prabowo Subianto Reiterates Call for Ceasefire to Resolve Conflict in Gaza

Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto highlighted the ongoing conflict dynamics in Gaza

Singapore – Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto highlighted the ongoing conflict dynamics in Gaza, calling for a ceasefire as one of the efforts to resolve the conflict.

This was stated by Prabowo while speaking at the 21st IISS Shangri-La Dialogue held in Singapore on Saturday (1/6).

In his speech, Prabowo also commented on the recent ceasefire proposal made by U.S. President Joe Biden. “While we need to study further the details of this ceasefire proposal, we view it as a proper and important step in the right direction,” said Prabowo.

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“We are also very pleased that the Hamas representatives have expressed a positive response to the proposal,” he added.

Besides a ceasefire, Prabowo mentioned that many parties are pushing for a two-state solution as another concrete step to create peace and security in Israel and Palestine.

“I also want to convey Indonesia’s commitment to continuously support a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire as an important step towards peace between Israel and Palestine,” Prabowo explained.

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“It has become a conviction for us and many other countries in the world today that the only real solution to create peace and security in Israel and Palestine is a two-state solution,” he asserted.

Observing the ongoing dynamics in Gaza, Prabowo reaffirmed the Indonesian government’s commitment to continue providing and sending humanitarian aid, either as needed in Gaza or as requested by the United Nations (UN).

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“We are ready to do whatever we can to provide humanitarian aid, and we are prepared, if requested by the UN, to send peacekeeping troops essential for maintaining and monitoring the ceasefire and providing security for all parties,” said Prabowo.

“We are also ready to send medical personnel to operate a field hospital in Gaza, of course with the agreement of all parties.”


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