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Prabowo Subianto Proud as 425 Defense University Students Graduate: Full Scholarships Awarded, Selection Without Discrimination

Bogor – Indonesia’s Defense Minister and President-elect Prabowo Subianto expressed his pride as 425 students from the Defense University (Unhan), including undergraduate and diploma students, successfully completed their studies and graduated.

Prabowo shared his thoughts during his speech at the open senate session for the graduation ceremony of the Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral programs of the Republic of Indonesia Defense University (Unhan RI) held at the university’s campus in Bogor Regency, West Java, on Saturday, August 24.

“Today marks a significant milestone not only in the history of Unhan RI but also, in my opinion, in the history of the Indonesian nation. Today, we witness the graduation of the nation’s best sons and daughters, hailing from all corners of Indonesia,” Prabowo remarked.

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Prabowo further stated that the students were selected based on their individual abilities and capacities, with full scholarships provided, without regard to their parents’ rank, economic background, religion, ethnicity, or any other personal factors.

“When we initiated this undergraduate and diploma program, our sole aim was to identify the best and brightest from across Indonesia. We set very high standards—standards that even align with those of the world’s best universities,” Prabowo said.

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He also extended his gratitude and appreciation to the educators and the Rector, as well as everyone who contributed to the advancement of Unhan RI.

“I would like to thank the Rector of Unhan RI and the previous Rectors, including the educators who played a role in starting this undergraduate program at Unhan,” Prabowo added.

Prabowo emphasized that this graduation marks just the beginning of the graduates’ journey in life.

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“Your journey must be one of service. Your journey must be a dedication to the Motherland and to your parents,” he urged.

Unhan RI currently offers 12 undergraduate (S1) programs and 7 diploma (D3) programs, with a focus on developing competencies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

The Indonesian Ministry of Defense also aims to produce TNI officers with Master’s and Doctoral degrees who are equipped with critical technological expertise, in order to face the ever-evolving global dynamics in the next 4-5 years. (RR)


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