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Prabowo Subianto Promises Welfare Programs Will Reach Children Across Indonesia

President-elect Prabowo Subianto has promised that his government's welfare programs will impact all children throughout Indonesia.

Jakarta – President-elect Prabowo Subianto has promised that his government’s welfare programs will impact all children throughout Indonesia.

Prabowo made this statement while attending the Technical Training and National Coordination Meeting for the local elections of the National Mandate Party (PAN) at the JS Luwansa Hotel in South Jakarta, on the evening of Thursday, May 9th. He emphasized that all children in Indonesia must prosper, even in regions where he did not win in the presidential election.

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According to the General Election Commission’s count, the Prabowo-Gibran ticket did not perform as strongly in Aceh and West Sumatra as in the other 36 provinces.

‘We will prove that the children of Aceh, West Sumatra, will not be left behind,’ said Prabowo.

‘We will uplift them (the people of Aceh and West Sumatra), we will defend them, we will prosper the people of Indonesia,’ he continued.

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During the event, Prabowo also highlighted the implementation of a free lunch program. He assured that this program would reach all children, without exception.

‘When I say, we must provide food for all our children, including those in Aceh, including those in West Sumatra,’ he declared firmly.

In front of PAN cadres, Prabowo expressed his belief that solidarity between parties would serve as both a resource and a key to achieving future goals. However, Prabowo acknowledged that all parties have their good and bad sides.

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Prabowo stated he would focus on uniting the good sides willing to cooperate in building the country. According to him, the welfare of the people is paramount.

‘This is important. This is a manifestation of collaboration, a form of cooperation. We’re not just talking; we’re actualizing cooperation,’ Prabowo articulated.”


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