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Prabowo Subianto Praised by Palestinian President After Speech at Gaza Summit: Smart! Straight to the Point

Prabowo Subianto, received direct praise from Palestinian President

Jordan — Indonesian Minister of Defense and President-elect for the period 2024-2029, Prabowo Subianto, received direct praise from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas after delivering a speech at the Call For Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza summit in Amman, Jordan, last Tuesday (June 11).

Prabowo’s speech was regarded as intelligent and directly addressed the core issues and solutions.

“Hello friend, how are you?” greeted Mahmoud to Prabowo as they shook hands.

“I am very pleased to hear (your speech), to hear about you. You are very smart, and you get straight to the point,” praised Mahmoud.

At the Gaza summit forum, Prabowo presented four important points for resolving the humanitarian conflict occurring in Gaza.

Among these points was Indonesia’s commitment to increasing contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

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“We will significantly increase our contributions to UNRWA and other humanitarian aid,” said Prabowo.

Additionally, Indonesia is prepared to send more medical teams and field hospitals to Gaza. Indonesia is also ready to send a hospital ship and participate in aid deliveries via air (airdrop) to Gaza.

“We are also ready to once again deploy a hospital ship and also deploy air assets for delivering aid to Gaza via airdrop method,” Prabowo stated.

Moreover, Prabowo affirmed that Indonesia is willing to evacuate 1,000 patients to receive intensive care in Indonesian hospitals and will return them to Gaza once recovered and the situation in Gaza returns to normal.

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The last point Prabowo mentioned was that Indonesia is also ready to provide post-trauma care and education for children from Gaza and will return them when the situation stabilizes.

“We are also willing to evacuate children and orphans to be given post-trauma care and schooling. And to return to Gaza when the situation becomes normal,” he continued.

Prabowo also urged major countries not to hesitate to call for peace in Gaza and to uphold international law.

“We call on all major countries to use their significant influence. To enforce international legal conventions,” said Prabowo.

“Especially since the victims are civilians and civil infrastructure (in Gaza). Indonesia also supports a number of strategic steps towards achieving peace, including the ceasefire proposal,” he added.

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At the end of the brief conversation between Prabowo and the Palestinian President, Mahmoud highly appreciated Prabowo’s steps and real actions. Furthermore, Prabowo’s relationship was considered not just a friendship, but also as brotherhood.

“I know, thank you very much, we know about you. We are not just friends, you are a brother,” said Mahmoud.

Prabowo expressed his respect and desire to do more for Palestine. Currently, there are 22 Palestinian students studying in Indonesia thanks to scholarships initiated by Prabowo.

“If there’s anything else we can do, we will do it. And now, students from your country (Palestine) are studying in our country (Indonesia),” concluded Prabowo.


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