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Prabowo Subianto: Jokowi is a Sincere Leader, I Continue to Learn

President-elect for the term 2024-2029, Prabowo Subianto, attended the Technical Training and National Coordination Meeting of the Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN).

Jakarta – President-elect for the term 2024-2029, Prabowo Subianto, attended the Technical Training and National Coordination Meeting of the Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN).

In his speech, Prabowo mentioned that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is a sincere leader. He appreciates that Jokowi did not hesitate to help him despite having been his rival in the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections.

The event, attended by all elected candidates and regional head candidates at JW Luwansa, South Jakarta, on Thursday night (9/5), aimed to consolidate and synergize all political forces for the upcoming local elections.

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‘I am grateful to Mr. Jokowi, he truly is a sincere leader. He has assisted me,’ he said.

Prabowo also expressed his appreciation for how Jokowi has helped him. He mentioned that Jokowi instructed his ministers to provide data to support Prabowo’s future government responsibilities.

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Prabowo recounted how Jokowi advised him to introduce himself to world leaders.

‘He ordered all ministers to provide data to me. He even instructed me, “Go here, go there. Introduce yourself to this leader, introduce yourself to that leader,”‘ Prabowo mimicked Jokowi’s directions to him.

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Jokowi also reminded him that investments from other countries are crucial to support economic growth.

‘We need investment, because we need growth. We need growth because we need many factories in Indonesia. We need factories because we need to create decent job opportunities for our people,’ said Prabowo.

‘I work almost every day, learning about issues, studying various problems,’ he added.”


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