Jakarta – Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto conducted a surprise inspection to public kitchens and schools to directly review the implementation of the Free Nutritious Meal Programme in Rawamangun, East Jakarta, Monday (3/2).
Prabowo initially visited SD Negeri 05 Jati and TK Negeri 02 in Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta at 09:38 a.m. WIB.
Prabowo’s sudden arrival was greeted enthusiastically by residents and students.
Prabowo wore safari clothes and a brown hat. He arrived using a Maung vehicle.
‘Mr! Sir! Mr Prabowo!’ they exclaimed, greeting Prabowo.
Prabowo also greeted the residents and students while waving his hand. He immediately rushed to the kitchen location so as not to disrupt the teaching and learning process at the school.
Prabowo then moved to the location of the public kitchen at 10:23 a.m. where the Free Nutritious Meals were produced to see firsthand how the whole process was going.
Prabowo chatted with a number of officers and cooks in charge of the public kitchen.
‘Assalamualaikum. Are you all on duty?’ Prabowo asked.
‘Yes sir, this is the place to make vegetables and so on,’ said the manager of the public kitchen to Prabowo.
Prabowo also asked what time the kitchen staff started cooking to ensure the quality of the food.
Prabowo then checked the menu that was served and arranged but by the kitchen staff, which would then be sent to schools for students to enjoy. (RR)