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By: Prabowo Subianto [taken from the Book: Military Leadership Notes from Experience Chapter I]

Those who have lived in Magelang would certainly have heard of the story of Prince Singosari. He was not only a military commander and a religious figure. He was also the founder of Magelang.

His story reminds me that a military leader must be able to get support from the people. Fighting and defeating enemies is not enough. Effective military leaders must be good at developing a bond with the people.

The people will not support a military leader and sacrifice their wealth and lives for him if they do not have a special bond with him.

Those who ever lived in Magelang like me would most certainly have heard of the story of Prince Singosari. He was not only a military commander and a religious leader. He was also the founder of Magelang.

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Prince Singosari, also known as Kyai Raden Santri, son of Ki Ageng Pemanahan was a descendant of Prabu Brawijaya of Majapahit. He was also the brother of Raden Sutawijaya, also known as Panembahan Senopati, who became the first Sultan of Mataram.

Prince Singosari was an aristocrat assigned by his brother Panembahan Senopati to be a commander in the war to conquer the regencies that wanted to secede from Mataram Sultanate.

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Prince Singosari was also offered to become a regent after Panembahan Senopati was crowned King, but he refused. Because of his strong determination and passion for spreading Islam, Prince Singosari chose to leave the palace and defeat the rebels in an area now known as Magelang.

Prince Singosari also left his family and travelled to a remote place in a mountainous bamboo forest west of Mount Merapi to spread Islam. Because he was a warm, good-natured person, the locals welcomed him.

They were amazed by him and truly respected him. Today many people would make a pilgrimage to his final resting place, the tomb of Kyai Raden Santri. The locals paid tribute to his role in the development of Islamic teachings and community building in Magelang.

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His story teaches me that a military leader must be able to get popular support from the people. He must be able to give back and show kindness to the people. Fighting and defeating enemies is not enough. Effective military leaders must be good at developing and strengthening a bond with the people. The people will not support a military leader and sacrifice their properties and lives for him if they do not have a special bond with him.


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