Jakarta, 15 March 2025 – President Prabowo Subianto has repeatedly stressed that the goal of his administration is to see the little people smiling happily and living prosperously, free from misery. True national independence, for the President, is when its people are free from fear, poverty and suffering. Therefore, in addition to directly benefiting the community, the President’s strategic policies also favour the business world.
Presidential Communication Chief Hasan Nasbi said that from 20 October 2024 to the end of February 2025, various strategic policies in 130 working days have all opened up space for the big role of the business world. ‘Rice is cooking, corn is picking. These are the strategic policies of the Red and White Cabinet, where people receive direct benefits and the business world gets the opportunity to play a big role in development. President Prabowo’s policies are doubly beneficial, producing two benefits at once,’ he said.
In about four months, some of the Best Results Quickly (PHTC) programmes have been running. The Free Nutritious Food Programme (MBG) has been implemented in 38 provinces, providing daily nutrition to two million beneficiaries. More than 750 existing Nutrition Fulfilment Service Units (SPPGs) are being expanded to reach 82.9 million beneficiaries.
Bappenas has stated that MBG can contribute 0.86 per cent to Indonesia’s economic growth. Several economic research institutions estimate that by 2025, MBG is expected to boost GDP growth by 0.06% or Rp 14.61 trillion.
Other impacts of MBG include economic turnover in villages, MBG will increase demand for raw materials such as rice, eggs, fish, and chicken meat, providing opportunities for local farmers, ranchers, and fishermen to increase their production.MBG will also mobilise the service sector such as catering, logistics, and transportation will also be boosted due to the increased economic activities associated with MBG.The MBG programme will provide extensive economic opportunities for MSMEs in the food and food sector, as they will be the main suppliers for the programme.The management of KADIN Indonesia for the 2024-2029 period has also stated its focus on supporting the Quick Win programme, including support for free nutritious meals (MBG) and free health checks (PKG).
Meanwhile, since its launch on 10 February 2025, the Free Health Check Programme has recorded 527,000 people registered as potential recipients of birthday gifts from the state, with more than 41,000 registrants per day.A total of 7,605 health centres across Indonesia have started implementing the programme in 482 districts/cities.
Entrepreneurs can also see for themselves the government’s sincerity and perseverance in its efforts to continue downstream and other infrastructure development, through the efficiency and reconstruction of the APBN and APBD budgets.‘President Prabowo has said that if the Indonesian economy is to grow by 8% or more, then this nation must immediately get out of the middle income trap. The downstreaming of strategic natural resources is the biggest opportunity, where the support of entrepreneurs is also very strategic,’ Hasan explained.The government established BPI Danantara to optimise the management of trillions of rupiah of state-owned assets.
Danantara will make Indonesia no longer need to rely on foreign investors in funding the strategic project. ‘The President has said that if Danantara provides downstream capital, entrepreneurs such as Kadin members, must prepare, join and support its bankable business plan,’ he said.
If downstreaming goes ahead, the multiplier effect will be the creation of millions of new jobs. Nickel downstreaming will create 180,000 new jobs. Similarly, copper downstream is estimated to be able to absorb 150,000 jobs. Meanwhile, bauxite downstream will create at least 229,000 jobs.
In the field of education, there has been a declaration of the establishment of Excellent Schools, People’s Schools, and renovation of more than 10 thousand schools. Even in the health sector, in the next two years, the service capacity of 66 public hospitals will be upgraded from type D to type C, having modern medical facilities and equipment. ‘We can be sure that all quick wins, or PHTC, open up space for the involvement of entrepreneurs to advance Indonesia,’ said Hasan.
President Prabowo is not resting on his laurels. ‘Don’t be complacent yet, we haven’t even started yet,’ Hasan said, imitating President Prabowo’s statement at the Red and White Cabinet’s taklimat and iftar event in early March. President Prabowo then launched 70,000 Merah Putih Village Cooperatives to realise the Asta Cita, that villages should not only be objects of development, but also active subjects creating solutions to global challenges.
Through this programme, the government designed a modern cooperative entity to manage the various needs of village communities, ranging from groceries, health, savings and loans, to cold storage for fishermen and logistics.
‘Cooperatives are truly present as the driving force of the village economy. But village cooperatives, in developing their business, definitely need the business world, be it for assistance or as partners,’ he said.
Hasan believes Indonesia is currently a light in the midst of the world’s darkness. Western Europe, Eastern Europe, America, the Middle East are being hit by a multidimensional crisis. The alliance with the United States has turned into a tariff war that will only invite more retaliation.
‘President Prabowo explained why Indonesia can be said to be the good news or hope bearer of the world, because Indonesia is neutral in making friends with all. Domestically, Indonesia’s politics are stable thanks to the maintenance of harmony. Our economic growth is one of the stable and solid growth in the world. Stay in Indonesia Only, Love Mother Earth to bring us together towards a bright, bright future, a prosperous Indonesia for all,’ he said.