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House of Representatives Distributes Draft TNI Bill to Journalists, No Controversial Articles Found

Jakarta – Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, has handed out the draft of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Bill to journalists. This move comes in response to concerns circulating on social media, alleging that the bill deviates from what is actually being discussed in the DPR.

“We have observed that various drafts circulating among the public and on social media differ from the one being discussed in Commission I of the DPR RI,” Dasco stated at the Parliamentary Complex in Jakarta on Monday (March 17).

“The DPR has been monitoring the objections raised on social media and in the public sphere. Today, we are holding a press conference to clarify the matter. Many of the criticisms I have seen online pertain to the substance and provisions of the bill, but these concerns do not align with the actual discussions taking place in Parliament,” he continued.

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Dasco emphasized that only three articles in the TNI Bill are being reviewed, with revisions aimed solely at strengthening legal frameworks to prevent future violations.

“As for concerns about dual functions of the TNI or other related issues, I believe that once you review the articles, it will be clear that the DPR remains committed to upholding civilian supremacy. Journalists can examine the draft and assess the revisions for themselves,” he assured, adding that copies of the draft had been distributed to the media.

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He further explained that Commission I DPR RI is only revising three provisions in the existing TNI Law. These include:

  • Article 3, Paragraph (2): Pertaining to defense policy and strategy, including the coordination of the TNI’s strategic planning under the Ministry of Defense.
  • Article 53: Governing the retirement age of TNI personnel, with a proposed increase from 55 to 62 years.
  • Article 47: Allowing active-duty TNI personnel to hold positions in certain ministries or government institutions.
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Previously, during a meeting with Commission I DPR RI on Tuesday (March 11), Minister of Defense Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin revealed that the government had submitted the list of problem inventories (DIM) for the TNI Bill to the DPR as a reference. The DIM contains proposed amendments to the existing TNI Law.

Sjafrie reiterated that the revisions would only affect these three articles: Article 3 on the TNI’s role, Article 47 on TNI personnel placements in civilian institutions, and Article 53 on retirement age regulations. (RR)


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