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Foundation for Indonesia’s Advancement: The Economic Foundation of President Joko Widodo [Social Safety Net]

By: Prabowo Subianto [excerpted from “National Transformation Strategy: Towards Golden Indonesia 2045,” page 138, 4th softcover edition]

In terms of the social safety net, President Jokowi’s achievements are also remarkable. In the chapter on Pancasila Economy, I explained that President Jokowi’s economic philosophy is the Pancasila Economy. The Pancasila Economy is an economy that embodies social justice.

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This philosophy is realized through various social safety net programs, such as the Healthy Indonesia Card, Smart Indonesia Card, Sembako Card, and many others. With accurate databases, these programs have assisted nearly all Indonesians in need of government aid.

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Furthermore, during President Jokowi’s era, there has been the introduction of direct cash transfers (BLT) from village funds. Through this program, the government assists poor/extremely poor families, families with chronically ill members, elderly individuals living alone, and families with disabled members.

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Foundation For Indonesia'S Advancement: The Economic Foundation Of President Joko Widodo [Social Safety Net]

Government assists poor/extremely poor families, families with chronically ill members, elderly individuals living alone, and families with disabled members.



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