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Sincerity as the Foundation of Success: Notes on Prabowo Subianto

By: Lalu Mara Satriawangsa

After the lively yet peaceful 2024 presidential election, everyone seems eager to discuss Mr. Prabowo Subianto. I too find it hard to resist commenting on his character.

I first met Mr. Prabowo when he served as the Commander of Kopassus. It was during a fast-breaking event in January 1998 at Kopassus, to which I was invited by his friend, the late Farid Prawiranegara, son of Syafruddin Prawiranegara.

I attended with my senior, Bang Marah Sakti Siregar, editor of Editor Magazine, which had been banned by the Minister of Information, Harmoko, at the time. I recall that along with Fadli Zon, Imam Prasodjo was a moderator in the dialogue.

Since then, I became well-acquainted with Fadli Zon and Ahmad Muzani, often attending discussions at the Institute for Policy Studies on Jalan Suwiryo VI and later in Penjernihan, Central Jakarta.

Once, Fadli invited me to meet Mr. Prabowo at Kertanegara. I listened to Fadli and Prabowo’s conversation and since then, I have closely followed his dynamic journey, both as the leader of the Indonesian Farmers’ Association (HKTI) and the Gerindra Party.

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From what I’ve observed, few have undergone trials as great as Mr. Prabowo. To reach his current position, the path he has traveled has been steep, rocky, and winding. Since retiring from the military, insults, slander, and defamation have been directed at him, all targeting Mr. Prabowo.

One of Mr. Prabowo’s strengths is his lack of vindictiveness. From the beginning, he has embraced and valued differences. His inclusive attitude isn’t new; it has been a consistent part of his character.

Additionally, few retired TNI generals without power have successfully established and developed a political party. Impressively, since its inception, his party has always surpassed the parliamentary threshold.

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The party he founded, Gerindra, has produced many cadres and non-cadres who have become mayors, regents, governors, and even ministers.

Establishing a political party is no easy feat. Even with unlimited funds, surpassing the parliamentary threshold is not guaranteed, as many have proven.

Truly, Allah is all-knowing. The trials of life from Allah are meant to elevate the status of humankind. Mr. Prabowo has participated in presidential elections since 2009, 2014, and 2019. Over 15 years, alongside advancements in IT, the insults, ridicule, and slander have merged into one.

And in the 2024 presidential election, running with Gibran, Mr. Prabowo succeeded in winning the contest. God willing, Mr. Prabowo will be inaugurated in October 2024.

Honestly, I often wonder to myself, what really is the key to Mr. Prabowo’s success that he has overcome such tremendous trials?

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It’s certainly not an easy question to answer. But perhaps what Gus Dur said is true—that Mr. Prabowo is the most sincere person ever to participate in an electoral contest.

Mr. Prabowo’s sincerity in wholeheartedly serving the nation and state, perhaps, is the answer. And Allah knows best!

Indeed, like other Indonesians, I now hope and pray that Mr. Prabowo successfully fulfills his mandate and can be the bridge for the people to achieve Golden Indonesia 2045. Aamiin Ya Rabballalamiiin.

Just this past Thursday afternoon (11/4), Mr. Prabowo visited his friend Mr. Aburizal Bakrie for an Eid al-Fitr 2024 reconciliation gathering. Yesterday, Mr. Ical also attended Mr. Prabowo’s open house at Kertanegara.

I was there to welcome him, and thankfully, Adri Irianto and Major (Inf) Teddy Indra Wijaya were able to capture the moment.


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