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By: Prabowo Subianto [taken from the Book: Military Leadership Notes from Experience Chapter I]

General TNI (Ret.) George Toisutta was a Military Academy graduate of the class of ‘76. He came from Maluku. His posture was big and tall. He was a prominent figure in field units, especially combat units.

In 2009, shortly after George was sworn in as KASAD, I was invited to Army Headquarters. I was moved that even though he had reached the top rank and position in the Army, he still respected me and hugged me. He lifted me, and he announced to everyone that he considered me as his brother.

George’s attitude reminds me to always try to remember and respect all teachers, all former commanders and brothers who have influenced and trained me as a soldier and a TNI officer.

George Toisutta was a Military Academy graduate from the class of 1976. He hailed from Maluku. He was a big man with tall stature. He was a prominent figure in field units, especially combat units, including the 744 Battalion, made up of East Timorese. From the ranks of Lieutenant through Major, he had pursued his career in remote areas. He eventually became a Commander of Territorial Command XVII/Trikora in Papua.

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In 2009, I was overjoyed when I heard that he was appointed as the Army Chief of Staff. I considered it an appropriate decision by the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the time, Pak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

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I was impressed that after he became a 4-star general, he did not forget his seniors. Once, I was invited to the Army Headquarters. He welcomed me as KASAD. His assistants accompanied him.

In front of the assistants, as soon as I entered his office, he hugged me with both hands. Because he was a very big man, he even lifted me saying loudly, ‘This is my elder brother, this is my elder brother’.

I was moved that even though he had reached the top rank and position in the Army, he still respected me and hugged me. He lifted me, and he announced to everyone that he considered me as his elder brother. He told everyone, ‘When I got in trouble, Mas Bowo was the one who cared for me and helped me.’

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‘My wife and I will never forget what you did for us, Bang!’ I was moved. I am proud that my beloved brother made a lot of achievements and reached the top position. He managed to overtake me in terms of career, but still, he did not forget me. He had not forgotten our long-standing relationship.

Learning from Pak George, I have always tried to remember and respect all teachers, all former commanders and brothers who have influenced and trained me as a soldier and a TNI officer.


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