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Analyst: Public and Sports Communities Delighted, President-Elect Supports the National Olympic Team

Jakarta – Djoko Pekik Irianto, an academic and expert in sports achievement management, stated that the support of president-elect Prabowo Subianto for the Indonesian National Team at the Paris 2024 Olympics has been appreciated by the public, observers, activists, and sports communities in Indonesia.

According to him, this support will provide extraordinary motivation for the national team when they compete.

“We, the public, especially observers, communities, and sports activists, are delighted with the president-elect’s support for the Indonesian National Team. This will be a major motivator for achieving the best results at the Paris 2024 Olympics. We aim to boost our ranking to at least the top 30,” Djoko said in a phone interview on Saturday (27/7).

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Furthermore, Djoko, who is also the Chairperson of KONI DI Yogyakarta and a lecturer in Sports Coaching at the Faculty of Sports Sciences at UNY, appreciated the Indonesian team’s jerseys designed by Didit Hediprasetyo. He mentioned that this could serve as branding for Indonesia.

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“The production of these jerseys should be highlighted, as they embody the spirit of Indonesia not just in competition but also by inspiring and motivating all Indonesians to make a mark on the global stage,” Djoko said.

Moving forward, the former Deputy for Performance Improvement at the Ministry of Youth and Sports expressed hope that Prabowo will continue to support sports in the country. This would provide ample space and substantial resources to support the younger generation of Indonesia in competing internationally.

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“We have a grand design program for national sports. We aim to reach the top five in the world by the 2044 Olympics. This goal must be driven by the government, particularly by the president-elect (Prabowo), through strong political will to develop Indonesian sports for the global arena,” Djoko concluded.


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